ASD Class enrolment

Enrolment Process

Placements in our classes are determined according to the criteria outlined in our Admissions’ Policy.

The exact dates for this process are outlined in the Annual Admissions Notice. Should the demand for places exceed supply, a waiting list will be (re)created annually, according to the criteria outlined in this Policy.

The form to apply will be on the main Admissions page e.g. ‘First Year 2025’. Transfers into other year groups takes place in May: should students in this group be in need of a place in the Autism classes, they will be added to the waiting list, should one already exist.

First Year admissions begins in October, transfers for the following year, in May.

Parents will be notified of their position on the waiting list immediately thereafter.

This process will be advertised via the school app, on the school website and on Twitter.

Note: CETSS believe that it is the moral responsibility of all schools to open Autism/Special classes, in proportion to their size and depending on the need in their locality. This is not currently the case, and so we urge the Minister to use their new powers (Section 37a of the Admissions Act) to open additional classes, across Cork city.

Parents play a key role here- they must impress upon their SENO, the need for additional classes in their area. Students should not have to travel to access classes, nor should they have to attend different schools to their siblings/neighbours.

We strongly urge parents not to accept a place in a mainstream setting if their child has a recommendation and need for a place in a Special Class. The onus is on the Minister and NCSE to provide places and the legislation can make that happen locally with political will.