This area is intended to ensure transparency in decision-making and is part of the school's democratic structures.
Return to school 2018
Mobility plan- car and bus drop off/collection points and pedestrian access
School Updates
December 2017 - Safety Alert, Parent-Teacher Meeting dates, Accommodation Update, Recent School Activities
How to view Academic Reports on VSWare
Parents' Council Minutes
Restorative Practice Presentation
After Restorative Practice Presentation
Communication and Democracy
Current Communication Flows- This chart shows who to talk to, depending on the issue
Developing Democracy in the School- A Power Point presentation, given by Jerrieann to parents at February's Parents Council meeting
Schoology for Parents A presentation given to the Parents' Council by David, explaining how Schoology can be used as a communication tool
Board of Management Agreed Reports
For now, and in the spirit of democracy, additional info is provided in the form of Board of Management Agreed reports. Please click on the months to read the relevant reports.
September 2017
December 2017
2018 First Year Student and Parent Induction
iPad Parents' Pack This document was produced by Wriggle, the company who supply iPads to the school and should be read carefully
Important forms related to insurance:
Letter to parents and guardians
Accident Application Form 2018/9